
Standing Through the Storms

“This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing, because we need each other! In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward… “
Hebrews 10:25 TPT

As my best friend and I rode her golf cart around the pond admiring the beauty of the late afternoon, she began to point out the cypress trees in the water and on land. There were small clumps of two or three cypresses scattered here and there, tall, and stately. A variety of trees had once stood among them, but had been removed, leaving only the cypress trees. When high winds struck the area a few years ago, the storm had broken out the tops of all the cypresses except two. The lack of protection and support from stronger trees had proved detrimental.

Looking at those trees made me think about us as Christians; the church; the body of Christ. We need each other desperately! We go through seasons where the storms of life hit us hard. If we don’t have others to surround us and be there for us, we can easily lose our grip.

Discouragement, despair, and defeat have a way of sneaking in when you least expect it. When the wind blows strong and hard, one can feel overwhelmed and broken. Yet, if we surround ourselves with those who will encourage and stand with us, we are more easily protected from the squall of the battle around us.

In First Corinthians, we learn that the body of Christ is not one member, but many (12:14). God has placed each of us right where we need to be within the body as He desires (12:18). The members should care for one another whether there be suffering or rejoicing (12:25-26).

Where has God placed you? Are you paying attention to those around you that are struggling to keep their head above water? You may be that beacon of light to offer hope and healing to a hurting soul. Be available and willing to weather the storm with others.

Maybe you are the one going through the tempest. Never be afraid or ashamed to cry out for help. Others can only stand with you if they know you need them.

God is always there for each of us no matter what. In like fashion, as His body, let us find ourselves “standing firm in one spirit [and one purpose], with one mind striving side by side[as if in combat] for the faith of the gospel.” (Philippians 1:27 AMP)

[Digging deeper – Acts 2:42-47; Phil. 2:1-4; Col. 4:7-18; Heb. 3:13; James 5:13-16;               1 Peter 4:8-11]

Needing each other,

Beverly <><



Photo Credit: photo by Beverly Lussi

Stand and Fight!

“Fight the good fight of the faith [in the conflict with evil];” 
1 Timothy 6:12 AMP

As I was looking out my kitchen window, movement at the base of the fence caught my attention. As I rose to get a closer look, I knew exactly what was going on. A mama mockingbird had a pesky squirrel on the ground giving it what for! Running for its life with the angry bird dive bombing it across the yard, the squirrel eventually escaped through a hole in the fence. This was not the first time the birds had put the squirrels on the run in my back yard. When babies are in the nest, you can expect heightened protection mode from the parents! The enemy might be bigger, but it doesn’t stop my feathered friends from attacking with fierce courage.

God created and equipped the birds with sharp beaks, wings to fly, and instincts to attack and pursue when threatened. He also created and equipped us with what we need to engage in battles, but of a different nature. Paul refers to these enemies in Ephesians as “the rulers, the powers, the world forces of this darkness, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Eph. 6:12 NASB). Paul continues in verses 13-17 to describe the armor God has provided for us to put on in order to stand and fight against the evil schemes of the devil.

When I think about the aggressive action of that mockingbird, it inspires me to pursue the wiles of the devil with relentless determination. Our foe is strong and devious, but our God and His armor is mighty beyond description. I need not fear when the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. But, I need to be dressed and ready; alert and attentive; sober and mindful. I want to fight, like the little bird, as if my life depends on it – because it does. I want to stand my ground and protect what God has given me – my faith, my family, and my friends.

Spiritual battles will look much different than the glorified movie scenes of flesh and blood. Instead, they will be fought with truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, God’s Word, and prayer. Our fight may require times of consistent intercession and resistance; prayer and fasting; speaking truth and taking hits. Occasionally, our Commander may order us to be still; to rest; to be renewed and refreshed.

One thing for certain, you never go to war alone. God has your back. So be strong and courageous. Stand and fight. Victory is yours!

[Digging deeper – Deuteronomy 20:4; 2 Chronicles 32:8; Jeremiah 1:19; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; 1 Thessalonians 5:8; 2 Timothy 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8; Jude 1:3]

Dressed and ready,

Beverly <><

Got to Have Light

“Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” 
John 8:12 NASB

During the summer of 2013, I had lens replacements in both eyes due to cataracts. Because I’d worn corrective lenses of some form or fashion for almost fifty years, my husband encouraged me to get the special lens that would correct both my near and far sighted vision. I must say, it’s been great not to wear glasses or contacts anymore.

However, in order to see well and be able to read, I must have light – and good, bright light at that! Dark restaurants and rooms are not my friends. It’s like having sheer curtains pulled over my eyes, making things blurry and out of focus. But that is remedied using my trusty flashlight that I carry in my purse. One click, and the LED light brings immediate clarity. You do what you must do; the tradeoff is certainly worth it to me.

Jesus Christ proclaimed Himself to be the Light of the world. He knew without His light shining, everyone would walk in darkness, unable to see clearly where they were going or what they were doing. Decision making would be obscured; the truth would be vague and unclear. Daily life would be dim and dreary.

The book of John has much to say about Jesus being the Light. In addition to our theme verse above, we discover these truths from John:

  • Christ’s life is the Light of all mankind (1:4)
  • The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness doesn’t overcome it (1:5)
  • The true Light enlightens every person (1:9)
  • The Light has come into the world (3:19)
  • Everyone who does evil hates the Light and fears being exposed (3:20)
  • Those who practice the truth come to the Light (3:21)
  • Walk while you have the Light, so darkness won’t overtake you (12:35)
  • Trust in the Light and you will become children of the Light (12:36)
  • Jesus came as the Light so that those who believe would not remain in darkness (12:46)

Just as my eyes need light to see, so my soul needs the Light of Jesus to see my way in this world. The Bible has much to say about the Light. Take time to gaze upon and comprehend the additional verses listed below. They will brighten your day for sure!

[Digging deeper – Psalm 18:28, 27:1, 43:3, 112:4, 119:105; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Ephesians 5:8-9; 1 John 1:5,7; 1 John 2:8-10; Revelation 22:5]

Longing for the Light,

Beverly <><




Photo Credit: Image courtesy of kibsri at