
Wise Choices: You Choose!

Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?”

Luke 6:46, ESV  

In the 70’s and 80’s there were two popular comedic expressions: “The devil made me do it,” and “Could it be Satan?” It’s our nature to want to shift blame, but it’s no laughing matter. When God questioned Adam and Eve regarding their sin, Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent. Satan’s influence in our lives is immense, but we alone are responsible for the choices we make.


You Choose!

“Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.” 

Joshua 24:15, NIV

Day_1,_Angel_and_DemonYears ago, I walked past the room of my special-needs daughter and overheard her talking to a make-believe friend.

“Leave my ear alone,” she said. “Quit trying to get the Lord out. I want Him in there.”

I’ll never know the scenario being painted in her head, but her words went straight to my heart. Her conversation speaks of our relentless struggle with good and evil as we live out our days on the earth. At times, it’s as if we have an angel on one shoulder pleading with us and a demon on the other taunting us while we wrestle with which voice to obey.

At a specific point in time, believers make a conscious decision to follow Christ. But, choosing to follow Christ is not only a one-time decree; it’s a daily resolve―a moment by moment determination to invite Christ into every aspect of our lives. The choices we make are crucial. Satan unremittingly says “Get the Lord out,” but he doesn’t make us “do it.” That decision is uniquely ours.

I pray we will all choose, as my daughter did. Choose to “want Him in there.” Choose Christ daily.

Choose wisely,


Some of My Favorites: Share God’s Miracles

I’m not great at memory work, but I have a book of my favorite Scriptures. I add to it as a new verse touches my heart. Can I share a few with you?


Share God’s Miracles

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

John 21-25

praying_on_bible_redThis verse fills my heart with wonder and great joy in the life Jesus lived here on earth. Can you imagine the things His disciples must have seen that we have no record of?

Throughout the book of John we read again and again about the miracles Jesus performed.

Chapter 2: He turns water into wine.

Chapter 4: He heals the son of a royal official.

Chapter 5: He heals a man at the Bethesda pool.

Chapter 6: He feeds 5000 men with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, and walked on water.

Chapter 8: He forgives and saves the life of an adulteress woman.

Chapter 9: He heals a blind man.

Chapter 11: He raises Lazarus from the dead.

Chapter 20 gets really good. He rose from the dead and lived again. If you read through all the Gospels, you will discover that more than 500 people saw Jesus after He rose from the tomb.

There is no question in my mind that Jesus became well known throughout the world of the first century, largely because of His miracles. Oh, how I pray that soon He will be well known throughout the world of today. Reflect on the miracles you’ve experienced and TELL everyone you know!

Thank you, Lord, for the miracles you have shown us – in your Word and in our lives. If we could see a list of Your miracles throughout time, we would be awestruck, just like the disciples.


Some of My Favorites: Exercise Freedom – to Say No!

I’m not great at memory work, but I have a book of my favorite Scriptures. I add to it as a new verse touches my heart. Can I share a few with you?


Exercise Freedom – to Say No!

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Galatians 5:1

praying_on_bible_redWhat a wonderful revelation this Scripture was for me.

You know, young Christians are fired up and ready to take on the world. That’s a good thing, but what sometimes happens is they end up taking on more than their share of the “works” of the church or the community.

Please don’t misunderstand me. Christ has certainly given us the charge of taking care of our church body and our community. Getting buried in it is something different. If you are drowning in good works and getting no pleasure or satisfaction in it, you may be in over your head. Take time to pray about it, and let God guide you in the way you should go.

As I began my journey with Jesus, I wanted to do anything and everything to please Him, not really understanding what that meant. I became burdened, overwhelmed, and frustrated. Then I read Galatians. It is called the book of freedom.

As believers in Christ we have a purpose in this world. We are all called to share the good news of the gospel of Christ. We are all called to care for the needy of the world. We are all called to join with other believers as a church and work together in praise, fellowship, worship, study of the Word, and outreach. Just don’t expect that the Lord wants YOU to do it all. What He wants is for us to listen for His call on our lives and work in the way He has set for us.

Lord, thank you for freedom and the knowledge that You will guide us in the way we should go. Let us hear Your voice and obey.
