
Jesus Gave a Solution

“These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”
Luke 10:2  (NLT)

day 7 always-there-1314423-1600x1200In this verse not only do we see Jesus pointing out the problem, but He also provides the solution. First, He reminds them who is in charge of the harvest, and then He asks them to pray for more workers. We can be comforted knowing the Lord is in control. He alone has the power to save, and He greatly desires to draw those living in sin and darkness to Himself. Today, let’s be reminded of God’s great love for all mankind and praise Him for His saving grace.  Pray that God will allow us to be part of the solution, and plead with Him to continue to send workers so that His kingdom may grow and flourish.




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What Am I Doing Here?: Where’s the Delete Button?

Having been made in the image of God, our hearts have been set by Him on eternity. Rooted in each heart is a God-given desire to impact the world around us. But in the midst of endless distractions, countless opportunities to live out our purpose can go unnoticed each and every day. Stick around this week as we look at how we live our day-to-day lives in a way that points others to the cross.


Where’s the Delete Button?

Blessed be the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4, NASB

fridayAlthough imaginary and invisible to others, I wore a scarlet letter for years. The letter “I.” Overwhelmed with the shame of being unable to have children, I did my best to hide the pain associated with infertility. Becoming pregnant with my children was very difficult and my scars ran deep. Praise God, I have been blessed with three biological children, but the road to get there was anything but easy.

There was a time when I would have gladly just deleted that entire season had there been a delete button. Truthfully, in many ways I did. It was something that was rarely mentioned. I did my best to push that season aside because it was just too painful. Even when another woman, far braver than I, would mention being in a similar situation I could barely admit my struggles. Thankfully, I don’t write my story, and there are no scars too deep or seasons too difficult for God to redeem.

You have those stories too. Everyone does. We carry our burdens and try to hide our scars from the poor choices we’ve made or simply from the circumstances of living in this world. Seasons of life have been endured that are just too hard to even think about, let alone talk about. But God …

Thankfully, we serve a Heavenly Father that forgives instead of condemns (Romans 8:1) and makes all things new (2 Corinthians 5:17), as He turns the ashes of our broken lives into a beautiful story of redemption and grace (Isaiah 61:3). God uses the brokenness of our lives as powerful testimonies of His faithfulness.

As we walk through seasons of brokenness, despair, and heartache, He is with us, pouring His grace over us. Lifting us out of the pits of despair, He sets our feet on solid ground and steadies us along the way (Psalm 40:2). Near to us when our hearts are broken, He saves us when our spirits are crushed (Psalm 34:18). He guards our hearts in the midst of it all with a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). Praise Him!

His gift of grace and comfort have been freely given to us, and His gift is meant to be shared. By offering comfort and encouragement to others who may be struggling in the same manner we did, the love of Christ is shared with someone who desperately needs it. I’m so grateful to those who have bravely poured their comfort over me during difficult seasons: pointing me to Christ along the way. Maybe others have done the same for you?

Nothing happens in this life that God can’t turn around and use for His good. How can God use your brokenness for His glory?

Comforted by Christ,
