
Glorious Gumption: Rahab

You don’t hear the word gumption used very often. I like the sound of it. It makes me think of courage. It involves wisdom, discernment, spirit, ability, and judgment, among other things. It also requires good old-fashioned get-up-and go! When gumption is utilized in a godly way, I call it glorious. Join me this week as we look as some women who displayed glorious gumption in their lives and understand how we can do something similar!



Rahab had hidden the two men, but she replied, “Yes, the men were here earlier… If you hurry, you can probably catch up with them.” (Actually, she had taken them up to the roof and hidden them beneath bundles of flax she had laid out.) 

Joshua 2:4-6, NLT

Thursday_Day_Four_Pic-Make_a_Change_SignThink back to when you first trusted the Lord. How did other Christians treat you? Did they say you were a bit messy or carried a lot of baggage? How did your unsaved friends treat you? Did they ask you what you thought you were doing? Did you suddenly stop committing every sin you’d been engaged in prior to following Christ? I know I didn’t. Spiritual growth is a process, and we need others to help teach us how to trust in and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to make the necessary changes in our lives.

I remember feeling quite uncomfortable making the change from my old life to the new one. Familiar people, places, habits, and practices would all shift for me as I stepped out in faith to follow God. I had a lot of fear but I wanted to make the change. I took the risk.

Read today’s Dose verse. The two men spoken of were spies from the Israelite camp sent to check out land near Jericho, across the Jordan River. (Joshua 2:1)

Rahab was a prostitute in the city of Jericho who hid the spies and misled the king’s men concerning their whereabouts. The spies taught Rahab about trust. She took a great risk by helping them. She knew little of God but chose to trust Him. As a prostitute, she could easily have been considered one who was a bit messy and came with a lot of baggage. However, she made a wise choice when she aligned herself with the God of Israel through helping and hiding the spies in the best way she knew how.

After the fall of Jericho, she went with the Israelites. It must have been scary for Rahab to change from her familiar lifestyle to one that was completely different and that she likely didn’t fully understand. But she did it. Rahab showed courage by changing from the familiar protection and popularity of the life she once knew and took the risk of pursuing the true God, of whom she knew little. She allowed herself to move faithfully into the unknown. This was Rahab’s glorious gumption!

Choosing a godly lifestyle over our familiar lifestyle of sin brings fear. At all times it requires courage to bring about changes in our lives, particularly when those changes lead us into the unknown, as they did with Rahab.  Are you risking the unknown for a life with the true God or staying comfortable in the life of your familiar sin?

Glorious gumption through risk,


[Read Joshua Chapter 2 for more of this story]

Savoring Your Season: Be Not Afraid

Life is full of seasons other than spring, summer, fall and winter. Childhood, adolescence, and adulthood; single, dating, engaged and married. We have healthy and unhealthy seasons, ones of flourishing and of pruning, and every high and low in between. I’ve been one to say I’m in a season of waiting just as often as I say I’m in a season of going. Too often, we lose sight of the present season for looking too much on the seasons past or future. Let’s take some time this week to be honest about our seasons – mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally – and learn to savor and soak in where we are now.


Be Not Afraid

You whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, “You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off”; fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:9-10

tuesdayWhen I tell people that I’m moving to Thailand, one of the first questions they ask is, “Are you scared?” The truth is, I’ve asked the same question of myself almost as often as others have. My life and my relationships used to be ruled by fear – the fear of rejection, the fear of getting hurt, the fear of failure. In the past few years, I’ve decided there’s another choice I can make.

The world teaches us to fear. Fear people, especially the ones who are different from you. Fear the ocean for the sharks. Fear the government, public education, money, the world – you can fill in the blank with any number of things when you turn the news on in the evening.

Too often we live out of our worst fears instead of our best hopes. We let fear become our motivator and our address, yet we are not called to be a people of fear. We are a people of faith, hope, and love. We are a people of Scripture that tells us “Do not fear” 365 times, Scripture that tells us in 2 Corinthians 3:17 “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” This includes freedom from our fears, our worries, and ourselves. When we reject fear and choose to stand firm in the freedom of Christ’s perfect love, our lives become more open, more generous, more loving and more patient.

Fear can rob us of passions and dreams given to us by God if we choose not to fight them. Every person I know that has struggled with specific fears has a calling on their lives that fear keeps them from fulfilling. Isn’t that all of us? My fear of rejection and being alone has had the potential to steal away the opportunities and distract me from the path that the Lord has laid out before me. When we listen to our fears over listening to our God, we risk missing something beautiful.

On earth, in our imperfect states, we will never completely remove fear from our lives, but we can choose to change our focus. We can choose to stop living from a place of fear and instead live out of a place of security in the power of Christ, whose perfect love casts out all fear. It won’t always be easy and it certainly won’t always be safe, but our lives are secured in the love of a Father who created the universe with a simple word.

Amy Carmichael was a missionary to India who once said, “If my attitude be one of fear, not faith, then I know nothing of Calvary love.” Be brave with your life and your faith – the God who created you and knows every hair on your head will never leave you. Your identity and your eternity are already secured in the God who conquered evil for you. What can man do to change that?
