“God thunders marvelously with His voice;
He does great things which we cannot comprehend.”
JOB 37:5
Sometimes the best encouragement comes through a true story, especially one that shows the mighty hand of God to be at work among us. Instead of the usual format, I’d like to encourage you this week with a true story. Each day the Encouragement will continue as the story unfolds. You don’t want to miss a single day!
“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them,
because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
I John 4:4
What a promise! In I John 4:4 God promises that we can overcome the voice of the enemy, if we have received Christ into our lives. If you do not know Him, click here (Janice insert link) to learn how to have a relationship with God through Him.
This week we have learned to discern God’s voice by understanding that His Voice will never contradict His Word. He will always confirm what He whispers in your heart by what He wrote in His written Word. His mercy and grace won the victory over my doubt and worry. He will win over your doubt and worry too … just call out to Him.
He proved this truth in the story I’ve shared this week. His Word told us to go, when that voice said to stay. Our reward was to see the men, women, boys and girls stand to receive Christ as Savior. What a blessing to hear the laughter of children’s voices as they had new shoes placed on their feet, ate hotdogs, and learned of God’s love for them personally.
And although the children may not realize it yet, the missionary visitors delivered something else for their parents that week. Something to make their single moms smile again, and for those who have moms and dads, something to make them smile at each other again. They delivered and shared the Word of God which, when followed, brings families back together. And that is exactly what is happening!
That was why the battle for Nicaragua 2015 raged so persistently for a year. I praise God that He did not let me listen to that voice but that He countered that voice with His own through the written Word of God.
In addition, we have learned that the international mission field is not the only place that the battle for our minds takes place. The battle rages every single day right here in America. Sometimes it’s right in our own territory. For me, right here on Topsail beach in sunny North Carolina. It raged when the enemy tried to use a black widow spider to steal my peace, joy, and rest. Rest promised to us in Matthew 11:28-30. Because you see, the battle rages right where we feel the most comfortable, when and where we least expect it … between husbands and wives, family members and friends … in our schools and universities. The battle rages over the souls of our children and youth, because the enemy wants to steal our kids for his own kingdom of darkness. We must wake up and refuse to let him win!
The enemy did not win in the story I’ve shared this week, and he does not have to win in your story either. Because …
“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them,
because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
Until Next Time,
Your Traveling Partner,