

I’m in a new season of life now. Gone are the days wrestling with three little boys. Almost gone are the days of wrestling with six fantastic little grandkids. How sad. However, the memories of stories and time spent – and the lessons learned – will last a lifetime. Join me this week as I share meaningful lessons learned from the children in my life…one of those children was even me.



GRANNY_S_KITCHENThe kitchen was long and narrow, the farmhouse ceiling low compared to most houses today.  Sunbeams cast a glow over my white-haired Granny as she stood at the sink washing the dinner dishes.  In those days, dinner was our mid-day meal and supper was the evening meal. Her cocker spaniel, Sydney, jumped up on me, licking me in the face. Calling my name as he stepped into the kitchen, Papa snatched me off the floor and into his arms. Immediately I announced, “I’m hungry.”

Nothing unusual there; the munchies always hit as soon as I walked through Granny’s kitchen door. That woman was one more good country cook. She offered me a leftover chicken leg, mashed potatoes and gravy, and my Papa’s mouth-watering tomatoes from the garden.

I asked for a cold biscuit instead.

“Whaaat?”, she screeched. She knew chicken legs, mashed potatoes with gravy and Papa’s tomatoes were my favorites. Using the nickname she had given me at birth she said, “What in the world is wrong with you Dinkie?” My Mama nearly fainted at my answer. “I don’t want the good stuff today” I quipped. “Just a cold biscuit”

How often we are like that in our spiritual lives. We have the fullness of the Word of God readily available every day. We can choose to be nourished with the meat of the Word, the richness of His wisdom, and freshness of His grace.  Instead, we often choose the cold biscuits this world throws us to satisfy our hunger for a rich and satisfying life, leaving us starved for answers to the struggles of life.

 Psalm 119:104-105 (Amplified) says:

Through your precepts, I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way. 

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Do you see the jewel in that verse? The writer tells us the reason he hates every false way is that it robs him of understanding that gives him light to maneuver through the tough times.

Hummm…no more cold biscuits for me.

Until tomorrow,

Your Traveling Companion,


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