
When We Ask For Prayer

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.”
1 Timothy 2 NIV

When prayer request time comes around in my small group, I usually ask for prayers for other people close to me and not myself.

What will people think of me if I ask for this?

I don’t want to waste their prayer time asking for prayers when someone else may need it more.

Can anyone else relate?

These thoughts and feelings are a direct result of pride. You want to uphold your reputation and self-image and asking for prayer might affect that.

“Being humble is asking for prayer and not being too proud to admit that you need it.”

I shy away from asking for prayer because I either feel selfish or like my prayer is silly and that it is something I can do on my own (as to not bother anyone with it)

I don’t need to ask others to pray for my continued battle with that sin.

I don’t need to ask others to pray for my issue because it is something that I can handle with your help God, so I don’t need anyone else.

Self-reliance is not Omnipotence.

I have developed this image of myself and what it is supposed to be, and asking for prayer seems like defeat. Like I am giving up on myself, and asking for prayer is my “surrender” flag.

We need to wave our white flag more.

No prayer is too small. No prayer is not important.

As a church and community, we are called to pray for each other. We pray for each other’s sin, struggles, health, marriages, kids, addictions and spiritual relationships.

It’s ok if it is YOUR sin we pray about. It is ok if it is YOUR marriage we pray about.

Asking for prayer is not a sign of defeat. It does not mean that are weak. It is a sign of surrender and with that surrender there is strength.

It is an honor and a privilege to pray for others. So, love and serve others by giving them the privilege them to lift you up in prayer.

Lifting you up in prayer,




Photo Credit: image created via wordswag

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