
Heart Matters: A Check-Up

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7, NASB


A Check-Up

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

Psalm 139:23-24, NLT

file1361301586907As both a new bride and a relatively new believer, my husband and I attended a Nearly/Newlywed class at our church. One Sunday morning, our teacher asked us to think about some recent conflicts with our spouse, confess our fault in the conflict, and seek forgiveness from both our spouse and from God. Recalling a conflict was the easy part because we had a few to choose from, but the hard part was admitting that I was in any way responsible for said conflict because I always believed it was his fault. The end.

Do you think I struggled with pride? Bless his heart.

Clearly, this wasn’t our teacher’s first barbecue, and he could read my body language like a book. He gently reminded our class (or maybe just me) to ask the Lord to search our hearts if we weren’t coming up with something right away because we most likely had some unconfessed sin in how we related to our spouse. I did so hesitantly because did I mention that it I was always right? However, within moments of giving the Lord access to my heart, conviction from the Holy Spirit flooded my soul as I realized there was SO MUCH sin in my heart.

I had believed the lie that since I didn’t lie, cheat, steal, or kill people that I was OK. I was a good person!

I had become comfortable with the pride, selfishness, and disrespect that had taken up residence in my heart, and the constant companion of unforgiveness had gone completely unnoticed.

Few people would disagree with the benefits of a regular physical exam by our doctor, but what about a regular heart check with the Great Physician who not only knows our hearts, but created them?

Maybe today you see no danger in harboring a “little” sin that has become a constant companion, but in the eyes of our Holy God, sin is sin and must be dealt with.

Today is a great day for a spiritual check-up. Will you allow Him to search your heart?

Amazed by His grace,


The Quiet Place

For many years now, I’ve kept some form of an online blog as a place to let my journals overflow into the hands of my friends and family (and the occasional stranger). It’s been a strange experience to see the places those once-private thoughts have landed, but I believe that the Lord gives each of us stories of grace, redemption, hope, and imperfection that are longing to be told to display His glory. Since being back in Thailand over the past few months, I’ve found that my blog has stayed silent while I’ve hashed out my thoughts through my social media accounts. Despite many of my posts turning into mini-blogs, I’ve felt the stories crying out to be told fully, and so this week I’d like to invite you into the uncut versions of my social media feed, in hopes that the words of the Lord find you and lift up your weary or discouraged hearts.


The Quiet Place

And Jesus said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a quiet place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.

Mark 6:31 (ESV)

FridayNot far from where I live is one of the largest open-air markets in the world. It’s conveniently located right next to the train station where I find myself nearly every Sunday in order to get pretty much anywhere in Bangkok … and so I often find myself inside the maze of the market.

The last time I ventured through countless vendors and enthusiastic tourists and locals alike, I found myself on a quiet backstreet. A man not far from me was just sitting and watching the people pass by. It reminded me just how important it is for all of us to find the quiet spaces in our lives, if only to be able to catch our breath and enjoy the view from the outside for a little while.

There are days here when I will fully admit to feeling hopeless for the people around me and for their eternities. I’m sure there are days when you look around in your office spaces, your coffee shops, or while watching the news when you feel as if there’s no hope for the future, or that there’s no encouragement for the faithful any longer.

I realized while standing on that backstreet of one of the busiest markets I’ve ever been in that these quiet spaces are vital to the health and the vitality of our faith. It’s in escaping to these quiet spaces in our lives where we are reminded that absolutely no one is outside the reach of sweet Jesus.

We need the quiet spaces to remind us of what we know, to teach us to listen more closely to Truth, and to steep ourselves in the grace and patience of the Gospel. Find your quiet spaces today, and visit them often. Be refreshed and encouraged as you take the time to breathe!


Do I Know Jesus More?

For many years now, I’ve kept some form of an online blog as a place to let my journals overflow into the hands of my friends and family (and the occasional stranger). It’s been a strange experience to see the places those once-private thoughts have landed, but I believe that the Lord gives each of us stories of grace, redemption, hope, and imperfection that are longing to be told to display His glory. Since being back in Thailand over the past few months, I’ve found that my blog has stayed silent while I’ve hashed out my thoughts through my social media accounts. Despite many of my posts turning into mini-blogs, I’ve felt the stories crying out to be told fully, and so this week I’d like to invite you into the uncut versions of my social media feed, in hopes that the words of the Lord find you and lift up your weary or discouraged hearts.


Do I Know Jesus More?

Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart.

Psalm 119:2 (ESV)

ThursdayThe church I’ve been attending since being back in Thailand is a beautiful mix of nationalities, races, languages, and cultures, all thrown together in a movie theater. It has been a blessing to have such a glimpse into what the kingdom of God truly looks like every Sunday morning as I gaze around the room and see people who are from every part of the globe gathered in the name of Jesus. I’m still learning names and stories of missionaries and refugees alike, but no matter the reason we find ourselves in Bangkok, Jesus remains our most common thread. Our spirits recognize one another instantly as family.

One Sunday, the pastor reflected on a simple question: Do I know Jesus more today than I did yesterday? It hit me as something so profound, to realize that every night I should go to bed knowing Jesus more than I did the night before. I am in constant communion with him, or at least, I have the access and opportunity to be, which should lead to me knowing Him deeper and deeper. I should constantly be learning more about Him and His love, grace, and justice. Every day I should know more of His heart and see more clearly with His eyes. I should walk deeper and stronger and more confidently in His paths, because when you are with someone constantly, you should be seriously getting to know them, right?

So the question sits with me every night. I lay in my bed and hope it never leaves me. Do I know Jesus more today than I did yesterday? Do I know His love deeper? Do I know His heart more intimately? Is His voice more familiar and His presence nearer? Do I recognize Him more easily, and do I speak to Him more freely?
